A very sophisticated and a classy guy
Attracting Women,  Self Improvement

How to be a Sophisticated and Classy Guy on a Budget

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It’s no surprise that women nowadays falls for men that are sophisticated and classy and you won’t blame them because that’s there nature. The truth is that women are soft hearted, they may appear strong from the outside but if you look closely you’ll see a different person entirely.

Let’s face it, every woman wants a man who oozes confidence and has a great personality, they want a man who they’d be able to rely on and a man who can stand up for himself in struggling times, not a man who’s lazy and still sleeps on his mother’s couch. They want an ALPHA MALE!

Although dressing nice is one of them, clothing is also one of the few or should i say many things on the list. But i assure you that there’s an inexpensive way (Not cheap) how to be a Sophisticated and Classy Guy on a Budget. [Read – The Ultimate Guide on Getting Any Lady to be Your Girlfriend]

So if you’re looking to level up your style and get the ladies to be drooling over you, then you’re definitely in the right place. So without any further ado, let’s get straight into the list.

A handsome man sitting down reading a magazine

1. Be Confident

According to JOANCOHEN, “A confident man believes in himself and that’s an attitude that’s attractive to women”. Men who are confident are huge turn on for women, if you appear confident while speaking to a lady, she’s going to feel much more comfortable talking to you.

Never confuse confidence with cockiness because they’re completely opposite to each other. But that doesn’t mean you should constantly be putting yourself down, being insecure is a huge turn off for women, no lady wants that. [Read – 15 Traits to Adopt That Will Make Any Lady Go Weak to Her Knees]

2. Dress Nicely

Countless psychological studies has shown that people in general will treat you with respect if you dress nicely, and that’s the fact. Ladies go crazy over a sharply and neatly dressed men, it makes them look more attractive, no lady would want to be with a guy who wears stains on his clothes.

You should make sure to put in extra effort in your dressing. I’m not saying you should dress up on a tuxedo everyday, fancy clothes aren’t necessary, but wearing a well fitted jeans or a chinox on a collared shirt that isn’t wrinkled or sloppy is definitely a plus no matter your style.

3. Groom Your Hair

Apart from having to always groom your hair nicely, you should also choose the best hairstyle for your face. It’s EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to always have a haircut that matches you face in order to have that classy look because it drastically changes the way you look.

Choosing the right hairstyle that suits your face shape can be a tricky decision to make, trust me, I’ve been there. But not to worry, just visit a hairstylist or a barber, they’d help in making the right decision that suits you.

4. Visit a Tailor

I’ve found out that wearing clothes that fits is a major factor that boosts confidence and diminishes self doubt in a person. Putting on clothes that actually suits and fits your body can have a huge impact on how you look and feel, it is scientifically proven.

In my opinion, the best way to save yourself the trouble of shopping (If you’re a terrible shopper) is by visiting a tailor to get your fits, that is if you can afford it. But if you can’t, you’re just going to have to up your shopping game or seek help from your buddies to help you shop.

5. Cross Your Legs While Sitting

Have you ever walked into the lobby of an office or any cooperate areas of any sort and you see a guy sitting down with his legs crossed and reading a newspaper or a magazine and you say to yourself, damn what a classy guy?! I know i have, not to talk of how a lady would feel, Lol.

Although they’re some research that proves that crossing your legs while sitting can cause high blood pressure, but before you panic, know that any effect are mostly temporary.

My advice is that you shouldn’t spend a lot of time on one particular leg, you should interchange them every 4 minutes [i.e if you’re sitting down for a very long time], you might start noticing some pain if you’re new to it, but i promise you that it’s definitely worth it. It’s a small price to pay in order to look sophisticated and classy. [Read – 11 Psychological Trick to Get Any Lady to Fall in Love With You]

6. Wear Good Shoes

We often overlook shoes but it is also a crucial part of looking classy and sophisticated, it is said that “You can tell everything about someone by the shoes they wear”. Your outfit might be spectacular but if your shoes aren’t, it shows that you aren’t sophisticated.

It doesn’t mean you should wear top brands like GUCCI or NEW BALANCE, you should of course if you have the budget, but if not so, you should find cheap alternatives [not fakes] at your local sale near you. A good pair of loafers or sneakers, or even a sandal that matches with your outfit [esp. Black Footwears, because black goes with any selected outfit] would be highly recommended.

Health wise, wearing good shoes can help you feel your best and avoid injuries on your feet.

7. Don’t be a Loud Person

Women don’t love to be around men who are loud, if I’m honest who does. The major disadvantage of dating a loud person whether being a male or a female is that they don’t usually know when they go overboard and and spill sensitive information, and that is a major turnoff for any sensible person being a male or a female.

Surprisingly, they are some guys and gals out there who’s type are people who talk a lot, but they’re very rare. So if you’re someone who tend to talk a lot, you should learn to pipe down because sophisticated and classy men aren’t talk actives [No offense].

8. You Need to Smell Good [Emphasis on the Good]

I can’t stress this enough, you need to always smell good, you need to smell heavenly, it’s a must.

Bathe everyday (Twice if possible) with soap and body wash, brush your teeth 30 minutes after every meal for fresh breath, change your undergarment daily, wash your hair daily with shampoo and wear deodorant, All these might be a lot of work, but these are crucial steps you can’t ignore in order to be sophisticated and classy. YOU NEED TO SMELL GOOD!

9. Don’t be Rude

One thing I find really ridiculous that men do is that they’re often rude and resentful to attractive women because they think they don’t have a chance with them, but that shouldn’t be the case. Characteristics such as warmth, kindness, selflessness are impressions that affect physical attractiveness, SENSIBLE women fall for that easily.

But yet again, they’re some ladies that prefers men who are rude to them over sweet guys, these kind of ladies aren’t scarce. I personally steer away from such kind of women because such kind of ladies aren’t keepers. [Read Also – 10 Tricks To Avoid Getting Friend Zoned By Your Crush]

10. Focus on Yourself

Sophisticated and classy men often possess a strong desire for knowledgeable across various aspects of life. They embrace new hobbies, cultivate their cultural awareness through a lot travelling and, pursue interesting courses, and they explore new experiences.

I’m aware this might be screaming MONEY & HUGE BANK BALANCE, and I understand. But you learning a new hobbies and participating in sporting activities won’t cost you much. Women love men who are, you know, engaged in one thing or another, not men who are lazy.

Every human is given a particular set of skills gifted to them by God, discover them and showcase it to the world, and watch how women starts drooling just by the sight of you. [Read – How to Unlock Your Full Potential: Self-Improvement Tips For Men]

IN CONCLUSION, mastering how to be a sophisticated and a classy guy on a budget is not just about the price tag, but the mindset and choices you make. By following the practical steps outlined in this guide, you can elevate your style, refine your manners, and exude sophistication without breaking the bank.

Remember, it’s not not about what you spend, but how you carry yourself that truly defines sophistication on a budget. So, embrace these tips, stay true to your style, and become the sophisticated and classy gentleman you aspire to be.

Just a guy who understands

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