A man who is dominant and commands respect from women
Attracting Women,  Self Improvement

13 Ways to be a Dominant Male Who Commands Respect From Women

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The dream of becoming a man who commands respect from women is shared by many, particularly those struggling with doubt and self-pity.

Nowadays, numerous men lack purpose and seriousness in life, yet they yearn to be admired and respected by women. The path to achieving this involves shedding the old self, embracing hard work, commitment, and sacrifice. 

While being a dominant male may not make you likable by everyone because you don’t act like the normal men to most people, it does earn you widespread respect, especially from women who appreciate men they can look up to. 

Unlike those who seek approval at any cost, genuine substance attracts women more than the facade of fitting in with societal expectations. [Read – 14 Tips to Adopt that’d Make You Totally Irresistible to any Woman]

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Why every man need to become a dominant Alpha male

Becoming a dominant alpha male isn’t about copying others or showing off stuff. It’s more about building inner strength that every guy can work on. 

The key is having a strong presence that earns respect from both guys and gals, no matter what you wear or drive. It’s not just about looks; it’s about having real confidence. 

Being a dominant alpha male isn’t just a personal choice; it’s a way to improve yourself and get respect from others. So, it’s a journey that must be upheld by every guy out there. [Read – How to Unlock Your Full Potential: Self-Improvement Tips For Men]

How to become a real man

1. Put yourself up there

An average man forgets his worth, thinking he isn’t deserving of anything. As a man, you should see yourself as worthy and strive to up your par. You should carry yourself with pride, but not like an arrogant person. 

The way to do this is by embracing the mindset of being above average and not conforming to societal norms. Let your way of life mirror your evolved mindset. Act in a way that signals you should be taken seriously, considering your conduct and the way you approach situations. 

Present yourself in a respectable manner, demonstrate that you’re not average like most men tend to behave, and see how you start commanding respect, not just from women, but from everybody.

2. Weed out the toxic people in your life

To become a principled man who commands respect from women, you should make it a habit of clearing out toxic people from your life. Women would never respect or want to be with men who act like doormats because such behavior signals a lack of self-respect and assertiveness. 

A person who constantly allows others to mistreat them sends the message that they don’t value themselves, which can be seriously unattractive.

Making yourself a priority is key; if you accept unfair treatment, you signal that it’s okay to be treated poorly and people are just going to end up taking advantage of you. 

Remember, becoming a dominant male involves prioritizing your well-being and setting boundaries with people around you, especially the ones that impact you negatively.

3. Have a plan in life

Without a plan for your life’s direction, failure is imminent. As a man, having a goal and a clear plan is crucial. Many struggle when they lack direction, wondering why life isn’t falling into place. 

Women often respect and are drawn to men with a clear life plan who work hard to achieve their goals. The key is having a plan from the start. Women admire men with a sense of purpose, control over their lives, and a relentless work ethic to achieve their goals. 

This combination of vision and effort can foster admiration and respect from women seeking a partner with direction and dedication.

4. Overcome any self doubt in you

As humans, we are sometimes going to be overcomed with self doubt thinking if we are going to achieve what we set our sights on. And that’s okay, that’s naturally how God made us. However, that shouldn’t limit your potential.

Constant self-doubt can signal a lack of belief in oneself making it challenging for a woman to feel secure around them when in a relationship, and overcoming it varies because some are mentally stronger while some aren’t. 

But you have the power to decide and shape your mind to be as strong as a rock by resisting the urge to give up and keep on going in whatever you set your sights on. Because you’re stronger than you think, and with relentless determination, you can achieve anything you set your sights on.

5. Carve away the negative behaviors in your life

You don’t want to stop a behavior and, after some time, allow yourself to slowly go back to engaging in that behavior. 

When you leave an old habit that would hinder your progress of wanting to become a dominant man and a man that would command respect from women, you need to draw a line for yourself towards a behavior that would negatively impact your decision to grow. 

A lot of men fall into this category; lots of men want to become a high-value man, but they don’t have the discipline that would help them do so.

If you want to become a gentleman that commands respect from women, you need to stop engaging in immoral acts like doing drugs, gambling, gossiping, and masturbating.

6. Start small

When you want to leave that old negative habit of yours aside and take on new ones, you don’t just jump to the big gun, you need to start slowly to avoid overwhelming yourself. 

Becoming a respected man that commands respect happens in a gradual process, It’s like going to school and completing a school program. You can’t leap from the genesis to being a principled gentleman.

If you’re trying to be on equal footing with your elders or higher-ups in where you want to get to quickly, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. Recognize those above you, work hard, and understand it takes time to climb the ladder.

7. Become a leader

For you to become a principled man, you have to develop your ability to lead. Taking up responsibility is key to becoming a dominant man. 

A lot of men run away from responsibilities because they are weak or fear they won’t cope due to their poor mindset. Women love men who can take control and assume responsibilities, they want a man who assumes a leadership role and takes the lead.

To command respect from women, you need to take the lead in different things, even if people aren’t ready to take responsibility when called upon. You should stand up and offer to take on that responsibility because it shows your maturity.

8. Become a master in your field

Apart from taking on responsibilities when aspiring to become a dominant male that commands respect from women, you need to also become a master in any field of yours. It’s all about putting your big boy pants up and trying so hard to achieve this. 

Women respect men who are the best in what they do, and that’s why you see most successful men, who are the best in their field, don’t need to chase women; women are naturally drawn to them. The truth is that there truly isn’t anyone who can hold you back from what you want but you. 

So, develop your skills to be the very best in what you do and see how you garner the respect from people around you, and having this property makes you a dominant alpha male.

9. Be a man of your word

Dominant men are those that, when they speak, tend to uphold their word and not let anything interfere with it. Men who have a very low mindset, are those that make promises and don’t deliver the promise or they deliver just part of the promise made. 

People tend to look at men who don’t do what they preach as weak, cheats, and they also look down on them because they cannot take anything they say seriously. 

If you know you can’t keep a promise or even though you’re not sure if you’d be able to fulfill something, don’t say you would because it’s disappointing when a man makes a promise and fails to uphold it. 

To become a high-value man, you need to hone the skills of always keeping your word and watch how women naturally gravitate towards you. [Read – 14 Body Language Signals a Lady Gives Away When She Likes You]

10. Become a master at reading body languages

Men who display submissiveness often go overboard in their behavior. To evolve into a high-value man, it’s essential to possess the power to control yourself in various situations, preventing discomfort for others, and achieving this requires mastering the art of reading people’s body language. 

Someone doesn’t have to scream “shut up” to you for you to realize that your words are causing them discomfort. Understand that maintaining everyone’s favor is unnecessary; if someone lacks interest, that’s okay. 

The key is to focus on yourself; their interest isn’t vital for your survival.

11. Become sophisticated and well dressed

A man who neglects his dressing and behavior won’t be seen by women as a dominant male or even earn their respect. Women are attracted to well-dressed and sophisticated men who carry themselves with attractiveness. 

It’s challenging for a woman to connect with a man who can’t keep his mouth shut or interferes in others’ business. It’s not just about money; while wealth often accompanies sophistication, achieving this status is possible with dedication. 

You don’t have to be super successful to be sophisticated and well-dressed. Sophistication can’t be bought with money; it’s an art to master. On the other hand, for being well dressed, you can make use of what you have but you just have to make sure what you’ve got at hand is presentable and well taken care of. [Read – How to be a Sophisticated and Classy Guy on a Budget]

12. Don’t waste time

The saying goes that time is the most valuable resource and shouldn’t be wasted. A high-value man understands the importance of time and leverages it to his advantage. 

To become a dominant male and a man who commands respect from women, you must avoid wasting time in specific situations when committed to something. 

I’m not suggesting you shouldn’t take time to rest and rejuvenate; it’s allowed, but not to the extent that you forget your commitments. Master the art of not wasting time, and you’ll discover that dominance becomes your new guide.

13. Don’t chase women, let them chase you

To be a man of principle and attract women, refrain from chasing them and remain reserved. Many low thinking men are addicted to pursuing women, placing them on a high pedestal. This behavior can make women look down on you, as a respected man doesn’t chase women to the tail.

While women may desire to be pursued, not chasing them can be fascinating, sparking their interest. They’ll want to know why you don’t behave like other men, creating a magnetic allure.


The journey to becoming a dominant male who commands respect from women may seem challenging, especially if you’re starting from ground zero or dealing with a tainted reputation. 

However, it’s time to initiate a change in your behavior and work towards transforming yourself into a high-profile male. While the notion of “first impression is the last impression” is a common belief, my lived experiences have shown that it’s never too late to make a positive change. 

Regardless of your current life stage, remember that the power to shape your image and command respect is within your grasp. Embrace the process, stay dedicated, and you’ll find that you can indeed make this transformation work.

Just a guy who understands

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