A very beautiful lady smiling
Attracting Women

9 Ways to Make Her Madly Jealous And Want You Like Crazy

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As a guy (well, except you’re gay) we often see ladies that catches our eyes, and it’s natural for us to want to go after her because that’s how we are engineered.

You might ask a lady out and she might accept to go out with you, but most of the time, it’s not always that easy.

Women have this weird behavior of hiding their feelings even when they have a thing for you which could be frustrating and that’s when most guys give up.

She might not even have any feelings for you in the first place (After telling her you like her), But there’s a way you could still score her.

Into It

You see women are attention seekers, they just want to feel special, and if they feel they aren’t getting the attention they crave, they’ll start working really hard to get it. And how you can achieve that is by making her JEALOUS.

But there’s a catch, you can’t ever let a woman know you’re trying to make her jealous, by doing that, you’ve completely ruined everything.

According to LOVEPANKY, “Jealousy is an unpredictable emotion. It can turn someone’s attention towards you and give you the outcome you’re after, or it can make them want to move away from you”.

Keep in mind that as jealousy grows, it can subsequently crash like a house of cards.

You need to tread carefully to not overdo it, because If a lady eventually finds out you’re trying to make her jealous, she’ll eventually end up hating you, and you don’t ever want that, because when a woman hates you, she’ll do everything in her power to tarnish your image to the extent that you won’t be able to get any lady she’s close to.

I know this because I’ve experienced it firsthand when i tried so hard to make a girl jealous that i overdid it. So, i completely know how it feels because I’ve been there.

So, to make sure you don’t make the same mistake that i did, I’ve researched, combined and tested the best ways to make a lady jealous without her ever noticing what your intentions are and i assure you after implementing this strategy, you’ll make her so jealous she’ll want you like crazy.

So relax, buckle up and let’s dive right into it.

[Read – The Ultimate Guide on Getting Any Lady to be Your Girlfriend]

I’d like to point out that this is a step-by-step process, so make sure to follow through till the end.

1. Get close to her

In order to make a woman jealous, you have to get close to her because that’s the genesis of the whole journey (Making her jealous). For you to be able to approach her, you need to be someone worth mingling with.

You shouldn’t always be gloomy, always wear a smile, look great and smell irresistible.

After approaching her, try initiating a conversation between you too, or offer her some help if she needs it or if the situation warrant it.

The bottom line is that for you to be able to successfully make her jealous and want you like crazy, you have to find a way to get close to her.

[Read – 11 Psychological Tricks To Get Any Lady To Fall In Love With You]

2. Be on and off with her

The idea here is to give her your maximum attention for a while, it could be during the period you’re trying to get close to her, then going completely off with her.

This tactics is very effective in making a lady jealous. Here’s how it goes;

Day 1, make her feel she’s the most important person in the world for you, compliment her on her looks, give her your undivided attention.

Day 2, Behave as if she’s a complete stranger to you, don’t even look her way when your path crosses each other and she’ll go crazy craving your attention.

3. Compliment other girls in front of her

If you want to make your crush madly jealous, compliment other ladies when you’re around her. Simple compliments like ‘i like your outfit’ or ‘you look beautiful today’ would be enough.

But you should know that this is a very dangerous path to take, you have to make sure you do this with uttermost care, because this is can make all your effort(s) go down the drain.

[Read – How to Get a Lady to Want You Back After Breaking Her Heart]

4. Let her see that you’re having a good time

Making someone jealous is a mind game. Go out, have a blast of a weekend and post a lot of pictures on social media.

This might not have an impact which you might be see physically but what this does is that, it proves to her that you have a life outside her and that you don’t really need her to be around to enjoy yourself and have a lot of fun.

This brings me to the next step.

5. Post pictures of other ladies on social media

Post pictures of other ladies on social media with cute captions. This strategy works magic because once a lady knows you’re interested in her and you post a pic of another lady on social media, she’s going to be very anxious.

She might even ask you who the lady is, but don’t give her a straight answer. Make sure its a picture of someone she knows not because that’ll make her more jealous.

[Read Also – 10 Tricks To Avoid Getting Friend Zoned By Your Crush]

6. Be flirty with other ladies

If a lady knows that you’re interested in her and she sees you flirting with other ladies, she’s going to flip (because trust me, even if you don’t word it, ladies know when someone is interested in them, it’s kinda their superpower).

Women always wants to feel special, and since you’re making other women feel special but not her, she’s going to enter jealousy mode.

But do this with moderation, don’t go around slapping a ladies ass or kissing another lady while she’s watching, a simple touch on the lower back or calling her with a cute nickname would be ok.

7. Act secretive around her

You don’t need to switch into full CIA mode to make a lady jealous. When you’re with her, a simple chuckle when you receive a text or out of nowhere, telling her you’re off to meet a lady somewhere (without disclosing the location) would do the trick.

Women get jealous when you’re being secretive with them. To be honest, who doesn’t?

If you’ve successfully executed stage 1-9, I assure you, she’s going to start having (if not big, a little) interest in you.

9. Be the guy every lady wants

Women get extremely jealous when their peers are trying to get close to the guy they’re interested in and to be that guy, you have to excel in a particular area of your life.

If you’re intelligent or you have some set of skills, flaunt them. If you’re handsome, it’s going to be a huge plus, because who doesn’t like handsome guys right?

[Read – 29 Sure Signs She Has a Crush On You And Is Dying To Be With You]

Final words, making a lady jealous is a mind game, and as long as you follow this steps carefully, i assure you, that girl won’t slip away from you, she’ll be yours.

If you enjoyed this content, please share to your friends on social media and I’m also looking forward to hearing your testimonies in the comment section below. Cheers!

Just a guy who understands

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