A girl when she figured out a guy has a crush on her
Understanding Women

19 Ways Women Behaves When You Have a Crush on Them

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As men, we often believe in our strength and ability to control our hearts, preventing them from falling for someone. However, there’s a saying: “The heart wants what it wants.” Sometimes, our hearts can surprise us. 

You may find yourself attracted to someone unexpected – a good friend, someone you dislike, or even someone seemingly out of your league. You might be contemplating asking her out but feel too shy or fearful of rejection. [Read – How To Stay Friends With a Lady And Avoid Falling In Love With Her]

In such cases, resorting to the old-fashioned method of dropping hints becomes an option. You hope she picks up on these signs and reciprocates your feelings. 

However, doubts linger. You wonder if she’s noticed your crush, questioning whether she likes you back. This situation is complex, but in this article, I’ll guide you through interpreting the signs she might be giving – indicating whether;

(1.) She likes you back, 

(2.) She’s unsure about her feelings, or 

(3.) She doesn’t have romantic feelings for you.

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Do women know when you have a crush on them?

Yes! Women naturally possess a keen sense for detecting when a guy has feelings for them especially if you put in effort to show your feelings with the way you act. They are highly attentive and can easily pick up on changes in behavior that signal a guy having a crush on them.

Here are some of the signs women notice that you have a crush them

# You make excuse to be around her

Not only the lady, but everyone around will notice if you consistently seize every chance to be near her, whether it’s at school or work. Even when she’s occupied, you take the opportunity to offer assistance. 

If this becomes a regular occurrence, she’ll likely sense your feelings, or her friends might even point it out if she remains unaware

# The way you look at her goes beyond casual

Women can tell when a guy is looking at them in a way that goes beyond casual glances. Even if she’s not aware at the moment, her friends will notice and inform her about how you were completely captivated, gazing at her. 

It’s almost as if they have an unspoken agreement, a ‘girl code,’ where they always share when they notice a guy looking at their friends. [Read – How to Approach Your Crush as a Guy]

# You dress your best around her

Women definitely notice when you enhance your style to please them. Whether you put more effort into your appearance, pay extra attention to grooming, or adopt more fashionable and well-coordinated clothing, they can tell. 

They recognize that these changes are for them, presuming you’ve done your homework to align with what she finds attractive. It’s likely she’ll sense your effort to impress her; they’re sensitive that way. [Read – 12 Step-by-Step Ways to Get Your Crush to Notice You]

# You follow her online

It becomes quite obvious to a lady when you consistently follow her everywhere online, be it on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and more. 

Not only that, but actively engaging in her content by commenting on every post and sharing some, whether it’s a meme or a beautiful picture of her or her pet, with a cute caption on your own page. When you do this, she’s sure to realize that you have a special interest in her. [Read – The Ultimate Guide on Getting a Lady to Like You Through Texting]

# Your friends knows much about her

Some of us have those crazy friends who would go to any length just to have some fun at our expense. Your friends might sense that you have feelings for her and take the chance to treat her differently from other ladies.

They could even tease her, playfully calling her your girlfriend. If she’s the shy type, she might just blush each time it happens. However, if she’s more straightforward, she might confront them, and they might spill the beans about your feelings.

# You suddenly pick interest in her life

It’s not only about you wanting to be around her; she’ll notice when you also suddenly take an interest in her life. You might have had a casual ‘hey/hi’ relationship before, but she’ll realize it’s different when you start delving deep, asking questions about herself, her family, her childhood, and maybe even her past relationships. [Read – The Ultimate Guide on Getting A Lady to be Your Girlfriend]

Here’s how a lady behaves if she knows you like her but she’s not sure about her feelings for you

There are many reasons why a lady might become unsure of her feelings for a guy. While she might like you, she could have experienced a psychological blow, leading her to second-guess her emotions. It could be a result of a challenging breakup, making it difficult for her to trust someone again.  [Read – 14 Tips to Adopt that’d Make You Totally Irresistible to any Woman]

Alternatively, she might be a serious-minded individual focused on taking her life seriously and not yet ready for a relationship. Whatever the reason, here are some signs that she’s aware of your feelings but is uncertain about her own.

1. She gets a bit nervous around you

You may have been close friends before she recognized your feelings, but if she’s uncertain about her own emotions, she might start acting nervous around you. This becomes evident, for instance, when you approach a group setting where she is; upon seeing you, she quickly excuses herself. 

It’s because she isn’t comfortable being around you at that moment, not wanting to be too close because she’s unsure about her feelings towards you. This uncertainty is what causes her to act a bit strangely.

2. She’s on and off with you

Women can be on and off when they’re uncertain about their feelings. One day, she’s all giggles, sending you texts, and eager to hang out, but the next, she might be very distant or absorbed in her thoughts. It’s like she’s on a ferris wheel of emotions, twirling around wanting closeness and needing her own space.

3. She sees you differently 

Even if you’re close friends, engaging in many activities together, once she senses you have a crush on her, she’ll start perceiving you differently. You might catch her looking at you, and you can sense it, but when you glance back at her, she quickly averts her eyes. 

4. She gets jealous when you’re around ladies

Jealousy is normal for all women, just like some men. Even if she’s unsure about her feelings for you, just the sight of seeing you with another lady can unsettle her. She might be in a good mood, but the moment she sees you talking to another woman, she’ll frown, and her mood towards you will change for the entire day. 

What she expects is for you to wait for her to sort out her feelings and not get close to any other women, even if it takes months for her to figure things out. [Read – 9 Ways to Make Her Madly Jealous And Want You Like Crazy]

5. She digs deeper into your life

A woman who has experienced heartbreak wouldn’t want to endure that pain again. As a result, they can become exceptionally selective about who they allow into their heart. 

Perhaps she has been heartbroken before and wants to delve into your background to learn about your past relationships and how they ended. This is to gauge whether you’re the kind of guy who might repeat the actions of her previous partners.

Here’s how a lady behaves is she knows you like her and she likes you back

Boys can often control themselves when they have feelings for someone, but women find it very challenging to do so. It’s hard for a lady to develop feelings for a guy, but when they do, they can’t hide it. 

They’ll do everything to make sure their feelings are known, and even if they attempt to conceal them, it will always show. It’s their nature. Here are some signs that she also has feelings for you. [Read – 14 Body Language Signals a Lady Gives Away When She Likes You]

6. Makes eye contact

There’s no surer sign that a woman has feelings for you than when she consistently makes eye contact with you. While making eye contact is normal, girls uses it to express their interest in a person.

When a lady notices you have a crush on her, and she also likes you, she’ll continuously engage in eye contact and might even throw in a subtle smile. 

You might not be the one to detect it; your friends might see it and let you know because she makes it so obvious. She does this as a way of telling you that she approves of your feelings and that you should approach her.

7. She talks to you more

Even if you’re not in a place where you both talk often—perhaps just a casual ‘Hey/Hi’ or not even talking at all—when she notices you have a crush on her and she reciprocates, she’ll start engaging in more conversations. 

Maybe she needs help with something, but amid a sea of boys she could approach, she chooses you so you both can talk. Being the consistent conversation starter indicates genuine interest. 

While shyness or reserve can be normal, taking the initiative often means she’s trying to bridge any gaps between you two.

8. She mentions she’s single

Whether you’re talking in person or chatting online, she seizes every opportunity to convey that she’s single and not in a relationship. It might start with her initiating conversations about relationships, perhaps discussing a recent celebrity breakup and asking for your opinion. 

But over time, she shifts the focus to her own relationship history, eventually turning the conversation to your side. She’ll encourage you to share details about your relationship, and when you mention you’re not in one, she’ll reveal that she, too, has been single for a long time.

9. She takes every opportunity to touch you

Ever notice how she hugs you every time you both see each other, even if it wasn’t that long since the last meeting? If she does that, it means she also has feelings for you. 

A lady who likes you would take every opportunity to subtly touch you, just to feel your body and share that connection with you. 

She won’t be overly touchy, as that would be inappropriate; instead, she’ll touch you in a friendly manner, like putting her hands on your shoulders when you’re showing her something or placing her arms around yours when you’re walking together.

10. She laughs at your jokes

You may be aware that you’re not great at making jokes and nowhere near a comedian. However, when a lady notices you have a crush on her and she also likes you, she’ll laugh at every little joke you make. She’ll even find humor in things that weren’t intended as jokes. 

Girls do this to create shared moments of joy, letting you know that they appreciate not just your humor but, more importantly, your presence.

11. She always wants to be around you

A lady who has a crush on you will intentionally spend more time in places where she knows you’ll be. This might include maybe joining study groups you’re part of, initiating conversations about shared interests, and turning coffee breaks into moments of laughter and genuine connection. 

By consistently being around you, she communicates non-verbally that she enjoys your company and desires a closer connection, expressing her interest in you.

12. Her friends definitely knows about you

Notice how her friends strategically steer conversations toward relationships, sprinkling hints about how great she is, and playfully teasing about potential romantic interests? That’s a subtle sign. 

Women rarely keep things to themselves; they’re eager to share their feelings. It’s as if they have an unspoken pact to always tell themselves and their friends when they have a crush on a boy. 

Sharing with friends helps her understand her crush and strategically creates opportunities to interact with you. It also provides a platform for subtle hints and teasing to gauge your reactions.

13. She fesses her feelings

Some women can’t keep the pressure of liking someone to themselves. She might have liked you secretly for some time now, waiting for you to open up too. And if she sees that you’re not doing so soon, she might take the liberty to confess her feelings to you first. 

At worst, she might even corner you to confess her feelings because it has become heavy on her heart to keep it to herself. It’s eating her inside, and she just needs to let it out to you. [Read – 3 Ways to Properly Respond When a Lady Tells You She’s Into You]

Here’s how a lady behaves if she knows you like her but she doesn’t like you back

Of course, attraction is subjective, and not everyone will reciprocate romantic feelings. You might be popular among ladies, and still, your crush may not like you. There are many reasons why a lady wouldn’t feel the same way you do. 

She might have specific qualities she looks for in a person, and you might not possess those. Alternatively, she could already be in a relationship and not want to jeopardize it. If she notices your feelings but doesn’t share them, these are the signs she’d display. [Read – 15 Traits to Adopt That Will Make Any Woman Weak to Her Knees]

14. She friendzones you

You might be close friends until she discovers your feelings, and if she doesn’t reciprocate them, a classic sign a woman would show is that she’d immediately friendzone you. Perhaps you both spend a lot of time together doing things like hanging out often, reading together, or pursuing a specific hobby together. 

However, she’d try to avoid alone time with you because it might feel awkward being around you, and she wants to prevent any misinterpretation of her actions as possible romantic interest. [Read – 10 Tricks to Avoid Getting Friend Zoned by Your Crush]

15. She puts out her non interest

A lady who values and doesn’t want to risk the existing relationship she has with you, and notices your crush on her, will seize every opportunity to make clear her lack of interest in any romantic relationship. She might do this indirectly, allowing you to catch on without her explicitly stating it. 

For instance, she might tweet about her dislike for relationships and express a reluctance to be in one anytime soon. Alternatively, she might directly communicate this to you by treating you differently than before—giving you attitude when you talk to her, delaying or vaguely replying to your texts. 

It’s her way of letting you know that she isn’t interested in you romantically at all.

16. She tells you she’s in a relationship

Another way a lady might act when she finds out about your feelings, and she doesn’t reciprocate, is by letting you know that she is already in a relationship and is happy in that commitment. Suddenly, she starts talking about her boyfriend, praising how nice he is and how he treats her like a queen. 

She might also begin posting reels on Instagram showcasing moments of joy with her boyfriend, whether it’s enjoying time on the beach during the summer or sharing a kiss on top of a ferris wheel in Disneyland. It’s her way of telling you to keep off.

17. She introduces her boyfriend to you

Also, she might go as far as setting up a meet-up with her boyfriend and introducing him to you. Even if she doesn’t introduce him directly, you’ll start seeing him around more often than usual. 

She’ll bring him to places where you both hang out together. She does this to emphasize her unavailability and redirect any romantic expectations you might have.

18. She stops talking to you

In worst-case scenarios, she might just stop talking to you if she feels the feelings you have are starting to cause a rift between you two. Some ladies don’t like being in situations where they’d feel uncomfortable. 

Even if you were very close friends, doing a lot of things together, she may stop talking to you if she feels she can’t handle the drama going on between you both. 

This might happen, especially if, out of desperation, you told her about your feelings and put her in an uncomfortable position where she has to choose between reciprocating your feelings or ending the friendship.


Having feelings for a lady is normal, whether she’s a friend, a foe, someone you haven’t talked to before, someone’s girlfriend, or even if you’re in a relationship with someone else. In this situation, it’s not a must that she’s going to reciprocate your feelings. 

Women too, find themselves in situations where they fall in love with a guy they didn’t expect. Sometimes it leads to a happily ever after, while other times it may end the previous relationship they shared. 

So, don’t beat yourself up when you find yourself falling for someone unexpectedly. Embrace the unexpected, allow yourself to explore new feelings, take time to understand your emotions, communicate openly with the person, and be open to the possibility of unexpected connections and personal growth.

Just a guy who understands

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