a man who's trying to prove to his girlfriend that he is the perfect boyfriend for her
Dating Tips,  Self Improvement

18 Traits That’d Transform You Into the Perfect Boyfriend Every Woman Wants

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Being a guy who wants to be the best boyfriend often comes from really caring so much about your girlfriend. You’re not alone, lots of guys find themselves in this situation. It might be because you don’t want to lose her and she means a lot to you. Or maybe you just want her to feel crazy lucky to have you as a boyfriend. 

Whatever your reasons are, the cool thing is that you don’t need to be a superhero to have these qualities. It’s not that complicated; anyone can achieve it. You just have to be committed, put in the right amount of effort, and you’ll build a connection with your girlfriend that says more than words ever could.

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What makes a perfect boyfriend?

You know, when we throw around the term “perfect boyfriend,” we’re not talking about being someone who is flawless, only God is worthy of that attribute. When we say “perfect boyfriend,” it’s more of a way to talk about a woman’s dream partner – the ideal person any girl would want by her side.

A perfect boyfriend, of course in human terms, is all about being a boyfriend who is caring, understanding, who always wants to make his girlfriend feel special and loved, and a boyfriend who is always putting effort into making their connection with their girlfriend always strong. 

Having said this, it’s important to mention that one can only aim to be the best partner they can be – that is what makes someone kind of like the perfect boyfriend, at least in our everyday, not-so-perfect world. [Read – 15 Traits to Adopt That Will Make Any Lady Weak to Her Knees]

How to become every girls dream man

1. Define your relationship

The first thing to do is to properly define your relationship in order to avoid unmet expectations from both sides. If you’re aiming to be the perfect boyfriend, you’ve got to make sure your relationship is the real deal and not just a casual thing.

Check if she’s all in, too – you want both sides fully committed. You don’t want to be caught off guard, thinking you’re being the perfect boyfriend, and she’s treating it like a time-pass thing. It’s all about making sure you’re on the same page from the get-go.

2. She should be your number #1

After defining your relationship, and she is totally committed to it. You should make sure she’s your number 1. I mean, she should be the only one you’ve got your eyes on.

It’s kinda hard to be the perfect boyfriend if you’re still into other women or maybe even dating someone else on the side behind her back. It’s about keeping things clear and giving her the attention she deserves – making her your top priority. That’s the key to being a perfect boyfriend. [Read – 20 Thoughtful Ways to Prove to Your Girlfriend That You Love Her]

3. You should be romantic

If you want to be an awesome boyfriend, don’t forget to bring out your romantic side. Women really love it when their guy gets all romantic; it’s like falling in love all over again. [Read – 12 Ways to be a Fun and Loving Boyfriend to Your Girlfriend]

You know, grab her a bunch of roses and a box of chocolates – not just on big days like Valentine’s or her birthday, but also when she’s not expecting it. Maybe she’s feeling down or stressed from school or work, or even when she’s just been under the weather. It’s those little surprise gestures that make her feel extra special.

4. Have great emotional intelligence

To be a perfect boyfriend, you’ve got to be tuned in emotionally. If she’s feeling off about something or someone, even if she’s trying to act cool, it’s your job to understand those situations.

Check out her body language, even if she’s putting on a brave face, you’ve got to sense when something’s up with her and make it better. When you do that, she’ll notice, and her love for you is gonna shoot through the roof. [Read – How to be a Sophisticated and Classy Guy on a Budget]

5. Don’t pressure her

You should never push your girlfriend to do things she’s not up for. If she’s not feeling a kiss or not ready for something, don’t hassle her into it. Trust me, coming off as a control freak isn’t the way to go if you’re aiming to be the perfect boyfriend. 

It’s all about respecting her boundaries and making sure she feels comfortable and ready for certain situations, no pressure involved. That’s the key to being a good partner. [Read – 17 Things You Should Never Talk to Your Girlfriend About]

6. Don’t always try to win argument

In any relationship, you’re bound to have disagreements now and then. When that happens, it’s crucial to keep a handle on things, preventing it from getting out of control. 

Remember, it’s not about always being the winner in arguments. Instead, focus on damage control – both during and after the argument. That’s the real deal in handling relationship bumps. Keep the peace running. [Read – 10 Hacks for a Successful Long Distance Relationship with Your Girlfriend]

7. Have intimate talks every once a while

When you’re in a relationship, it’s a good idea to have those heart-to-heart talks with your girlfriend. Share your feelings, chat about where your relationship is headed, discuss future plans, even down to how many kids you both fancy having. 

These talks show her you’re all in, thinking about your future together. You know what really makes a women fall deeper in love? It’s when she knows you’re committed to a secure future with her. So, open up, have those chats, and let her feel the love and assurance.

8. Don’t be clingy

Ladies appreciate having their own space. You know, they like hanging out with their girlfriends to take a break from us guys. So, when she wants some time away and asks for it, it’s cool to give her that space.

It doesn’t mean she’s fed up or needs a break from you; she just wants some girl time. You can even show your support by helping out – grab her stuff she might need when she’s off on a trip with her friends.

9. Have your own life

As you shouldn’t be clingy to your girlfriend, It’s essential to have your own life outside of your relationship. Hang out with your buddies every now and then, catch up with them. Your world shouldn’t revolve solely around your relationship; make sure to socialize with friends too. 

Trust me, if you don’t, you might start feeling a bit burnt out and suffocated in your relationship after a while. So, keep that balance and enjoy a bit of your own space.

10. Give her your undivided attention

When you’re hanging out with your girlfriend, it’s crucial to give her your full attention. Whether she’s sharing something important or you’re just enjoying each other’s company on a vacation or even a staycation, steer clear of distractions like being glued to your phone or chatting up others. 

Keep your focus solely on her – that’s the key to making those moments truly special. So, next time you’re together, make sure she feels like the center of your world.

11. Avoid delayed text replies

Let’s be real, no woman’s thrilled when she texts her guy and gets a reply an hour later. I get it, your life can be very busy, but it’s key to prioritize your girlfriend. Sure, she might be sending some random texts – happens a lot. [Read – Is She Clingy?: 14 Ways to Spot and Deal With a Toxic and Needy Girlfriend]

But keep in mind, she might just be checking in to see how you’re doing or even needing your help with something. So, next time your phone buzzes, maybe give it a quick check. It could mean more to her than you think.

12. Fill her in on important details

Keeping secrets from your girlfriend isn’t cool at all, especially important ones– it’s all about being open and honest. Share stuff about your life, what’s going on at work, and even if something’s bothering you. 

And even if there’s another lady who is making a move at you, be straight up about it, this builds trust. Also when she sees you’re transparent, it’s a solid sign she can rely on you. Plus, it’s like fertilizer for her love – it just grows stronger. [Read – 11 Ways To Properly Deal With Crushes When You Have a Girlfriend]

13. Never yell at your girlfriend 

Being a great boyfriend means steering clear of yelling at your girlfriend. Sure, she might do things that get on your nerves, but there are better ways to handle it than raising your voice at her. 

Yelling can mess with someone’s head, especially with women who are soft hearted. It can really bring them down and mess with their confidence. And here’s the funny thing – you’re going to be the one that’d end up having to do damage control by buying gifts or doing things to cheer her up just to make things right after making her upset.

14. Don’t get involved with other women

A perfect boyfriend never tries to get involved with other women while in a relationship. Apart from it being cheating, it’s also a very wrong thing to do.

I for one am not an advocate of double-dating. I’m not on board with that at all. Sure, people say guys are wired to be into multiple women, and yeah, there might be some truth to it, but I don’t buy into that at all. It’s all about being true and loyal in a relationship. [Read – 14 Signs Your Girlfriend’s Sister Has Romantic Feelings for You]

15. Avoid checking out other ladies on social media

It’s important to steer clear of checking out other ladies on social media. Skip the likes and DMs, because trust me, your girlfriend won’t be happy if she finds out. When you’re in a committed relationship, it’s about keeping your eyes on your woman and resisting the temptation to get involved with others, even if they might seem more attractive. [Read – 12 Fun Activities to Build Trust with a Suspicious Girlfriend]

Remember, you chose your girlfriend for a reason – there’s something special about her. Not every girl out there is like the one you fell for. Stay loyal and keep those virtual boundaries intact. [Read – How to Get a Lady to Want You Back After Breaking Her Heart]

16. Watch your jokes

Words have a way of crumbling even the toughest men, and let’s face it, women can be pretty sensitive. So, if you’re aiming to be a great boyfriend, think twice before saying anything that might hurt her. 

Run those words or jokes through your head first before spewing them. And also, focus on saying things that would lift her spirits especially when she’s feeling down. 

17. When you’re ready, Let her in

Letting her in is important in showing her that you’re the perfect person for her. When your relationship is solid and you fully trust her, you have to take your relationship to the next level.

And No – I’m not talking about proposing to her yet, what I’m saying is that, you have to start doing things like giving her a spare key to your place and introducing her to the important people in your life, like your folks and friends. It’s a clear sign that you’re serious about her, and it’s bound to put a smile on her face.

18. Get close to the important people in her life

To round this up, when you’re trying to become the perfect boyfriend any woman would want, after letting her in, make an effort to get to know the important people in her world. 

Women dream of being with someone who’d love to get closer and associate with their loved ones – you know, her family and friends. They genuinely value the effort, so getting close to the people who matter to her is a sure way to win some points.

Just a guy who understands

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