A giel getting irritated after her boyfriend told her something she doesn't need to hear
Dating Tips

17 Things You Should Never Talk to Your Girlfriend About

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A lot of guys who are in a relationship nowadays often feel compelled to tell every little bit of information about them to their girlfriend, and that, in this current world we live in, isn’t ideal at all.

We often hear that being open while in a relationship is crucial, but truth be told, you don’t have to spill every little secret to your girlfriend, and doing so is actually crucial in the health of your relationship. 

Let me explain. Women can be complicated, sometimes they’d make you feel guilty for keeping certain things to yourself in a relationship, but when you let them onto some certain information, it can spell the end of your relationship.

It’s like them asking for the truth but don’t really want to hear it. It’s just like how you don’t share every little thing on social media or with your folks; there are some details that are better off kept to yourself and not shared with your girlfriend.

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Things you should never say to your girlfriend

A lot of times, us guys might not realize that we’re oversharing information with our girlfriends, and it can cause problems. Not knowing the limits of what to talk about can mess things up in a relationship. It’s important to be careful about what we spill, understanding that not every little thing is meant for your girlfriend to hear. [Read – 18 Traits That’d Transform You Into the Perfect Boyfriend Every Woman Wants]

In this section, I’m going to be breaking down some specifics, and shining a light on you should avoid talking about with your girlfriends to keep things balanced and healthy in your relationship.

1. You do porn

Watching porn is not something to be proud of, and if you do engage in it, it’s a behavior that you shouldn’t boast about to anyone. It’s best to keep this information to yourself, especially when it comes to telling your girlfriend that you watch it, let alone spend money on subscriptions. 

Most Women are sensitive about this stuff, and if they can’t handle it (as most of them wouldn’t be able to), it could seriously harm your relationship, maybe even make it fall apart. Instead of confessing it to your partner, your focus should be on how to do away with that behavior, not letting your lover know about it.

2. How you might cheat on her

I know this might sound like it’s not a big deal, but it is. I’ve seen many guys make the mistake of telling their girlfriends that if given the chance, they’d spend a night with their celebrity crush, regardless of whether they’re in a relationship or not.

It’s not just harming your current relationship, but it’s also making your woman feel less valued, like she’s not as important to you as some fantasy celebrity. Trust me, this is a secret you shouldn’t be spilling to your woman. [Read – 20 Thoughtful Ways to Prove to Your Girlfriend That You Love Her]

3. Never tell her what your bank balance looks like

Men often have this strange habit of proudly displaying their bank balance to impress their girlfriends, thinking it proves they can take care of them. But, honestly, that’s not the way to build a meaningful relationship.

Wealth is just a possession and should be appreciated, not flaunted. When seeking a genuine connection, avoid revealing your financial status. Some women may be trustworthy, but others might exploit it, leading to unnecessary expenses and a potential gold-digging situation.

4. Don’t tell her how you cheated on your past relationship

When you’re with your girlfriend, it’s smart to hold back on some personal details from your past relationships. I get it, being open seems like the way to go, but trust me, it’s not. 

Maybe you messed up before, like you cheated, but now, you’ve changed, and now you’re committed. So, why bring up the past? This is a fresh start for you, and telling your girlfriend you cheated in your past relationship is only going to make her lose trust in you and forever doubt your movement. Never tell a lady something like this.

5. Don’t emotionally blackmail her

If there’s something your girlfriend isn’t keen on, it’d be that you shouldn’t guilt-trip her into it by saying, “If you really love me, do it.” That’s just selfish and shows you’re only thinking about yourself, not how uncomfortable she might feel.

Using emotional blackmail just makes you seem less of a man than you might think, because, honestly, you’re only looking out for yourself. A guy who truly loves his girlfriend would never put her in that situation.

6. Never tell her you have a crush on someone else

It’s absolutely normal to have crushes, even when you’re in a relationship, it happens and that’s just being human. However, a mistake I see many guys make is telling their girlfriends about these crushes. Honestly, this is something you should never tell your lover and move past because, well, you’re in a relationship.

Some guys spill the beans unintentionally, not thinking about the consequences, probably because they can’t keep quiet, but you should learn to tame your mouth.

You might not know this, but your girlfriend also develops crushes on other guys while they’re with you, but you’d never hear about it. If your girlfriend is genuinely loyal, the only thing she’ll share is when other guys are making moves on her. [Read – How to Get a Woman to Want You Back After Breaking Her Heart]

7. How you don’t like how she looks

Women often have this habit of asking their boyfriends if they look good whenever they’re done dressing up. But, let me tell you, it’s a bit of a trap! When your girlfriend throws this question at you, she’s expecting you to say she looks good every time. 

Never make the mistake of suggesting she goes back to the mirror to check her makeup or hair – that’s falling right into her trap. It’s like a stain that won’t go away.

If you do this, she’ll keep on reminding you about how you don’t think she looks beautiful. Your compliment won’t mean much to her ever again, and she’ll taunt you with it forever. So, the next time she asks, just tell her she looks beautiful.

8. Never gloat about being right

Expressing your viewpoint and confidently sticking to it is not just a normal part of any relationship but also in human lives. There will be times when you and your girlfriend would disagree or would have opinions on something, and if it turns out you were right and she was wrong, you must resist the urge to rub it in her face.

Doing that makes a man way less attractive in a woman’s eyes. Never tell your girlfriend “You were wrong”, we Classy Lads don’t do that.

9. You should never compare her with your Ex

Arguments happen in relationships; it’s pretty normal. No one’s perfect, and your girlfriend is bound to have some qualities that would get on your nerves and maybe your ex didn’t have those annoying behaviors. 

In the heat of an argument, you should never fall prey to comparing your girlfriend to your ex, saying stuff like, “My ex wasn’t like this” or “I wish you could be like my ex.”

10. How she is acting crazy because she’s on her period.

Ladies can get really emotional during their periods. They might start a fight over something small, like leaving your sock on the couch. And on the flip side, they could burst into tears just by seeing a baby – that’s how unpredictable it gets.

Now, when your lady is getting on your nerves during that time, the key isn’t to let her behavior get on your nerves. It’s about being the bigger person, enduring whatever mood swings that comes your way. Instead, focus on pampering and taking care of her during that time.

11. Never tell your girlfriend how lazy she can get

There are times when your girlfriend might seem really sluggish in what she’s doing, and I get that it can be annoying. Instead of getting all worked up and calling her lazy, try to be understanding, especially in certain situations.

Maybe she’s not feeling well or is just having a rough day. If she’s already in a bad mood, criticizing her will only make things worse, leading to arguments between you two.

12. Never tell a woman to calm down

It might sound amusing, and you might have probably witnessed it, maybe with a friend or sister—women absolutely despise being told to calm down. If you’ve ever dared to say the word, you’d get a stern response like, “Never tell a woman to calm down,” said twice. 

Even now, I haven’t quite figured out why they get so mad when guys use those words. So, when they’re upset and venting, the best move is to wait for them to finish their rant and then help them chill out without actually uttering the phrase “Calm down.”

13. Your bathroom movement

I don’t know about you, but it’s pretty gross when someone comes up to me and starts sharing bathroom drama with their bowels. A lot of guys do this, for some reason. And let’s face it, women tend to get more irritated than men, especially during their periods. 

I’m not saying you should treat bathroom stuff like it’s embarrassing—everyone does it, everyone goes to the bathroom; there’s nothing to be ashamed of. What you should do is keep those details to yourself so you won’t come across as gross.

14. You received this gift from your ex

When your ex gives you a gift and, for some reason, you still hang onto it (which you really shouldn’t), never spill the beans about the origin of that gift if your current girlfriend asks. Just throw in a little white lie if needed. 

Revealing both the source of the gift and the fact that you still have it will only plant seeds of doubt in your girlfriend’s mind. [Read – 12 Fun Activities to Build Trust with a Suspicious Girlfriend]

15. How you were close to making out with your Ex

Maybe in your past relationship, you were a loyal boyfriend, and your ex was the one who broke your heart, perhaps because things weren’t going well back then. Now, as things are going well for you, she wants you back. You run into your ex, and because she’s desperate, she tries to force you into making out with her.

I know this might sound like it came from a movie but it happens more often than you’d think. If it happens to you, my advice is not to keep your mouth shut and not day anything to your current girlfriend about it. [Read – Step-by-Step Ways to Properly Breakup With Your Girlfriend]

16. How her family members stinks

Personally, I’m really sensitive to strong smells—I can pick up even the slightest scent from a mile away, like a dog. If you’re like me and can’t stand being around unpleasant odors, and you happen to notice a not-so-pleasant smell from someone in your girlfriend’s family, it’s definitely something you should keep to yourself.

If you’re spending time with her family and catch a whiff of something not great from one of them, it’s best not to mention it to her. Just endure it with a soft face for the sake of your love for her.

17. How you spend a lot of money on things

Here’s another mistake I notice many guys make with their girlfriends. They always spill the beans about how much money they spend, especially on clothes and video games. 

I get it, it’s your hard-earned cash, and you might think you don’t need to keep it a secret, but honestly, your financial details should stay between you and your accountant. There’s no need to broadcast it to anyone, especially not your girlfriend.

Just a guy who understands

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