A girl who gets weak to her knees over the attractiveness qualities of a guy
Attracting Women,  Self Improvement,  Understanding Women

15 Traits to Adopt That Will Make Any Lady Weak to Her Knees

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Yearning to be a guy that embodies traits that captures a woman’s attention easily is something many guys can relate to. It’s true that women, just like us, appreciate authenticity, kindness, and a good sense of humor, but that’s not all there is to it.

Here’s what I mean – what attracts women can vary big time. While some of them are just into looks alone, nothing else. Others fancy a guy with brains, emotional smarts, money (as you would know), or a guy with big dreams. [Read – The Ultimate Guide on Getting Any Lady to be Your Girlfriend]

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Why should every guy look to adopt this attractiveness qualities to be able to stand out from other guys

Being that guy with attractive qualities isn’t just about catching the eyes of ladies; it’s about you standing out from the rest of the crowd in a real way. 

The main advantage to having these qualities is that, when you do, your way of thinking evolves, making you become super matured. And due to that, ladies tend to notice you naturally, not just you being another guy who is just trying to impress. 

Being real and emotionally tuned in, sets you apart. You’d become a rare find. you become not just a guy who gets what really matters, but a guy who stands out from other guys due to your high level of understanding and connecting with people on a deeper level. [Read – 14 Tips to Adopt that’d Make You Totally Irresistible to any Woman]

Gestures that would make any lady you meet go weak to her knees for you

1. Develop the habit of actively listening

It’s true that sometimes ladies can keep on rambling about certain things that don’t interest you, but whenever you’re around a lady, you should develop the habit of giving them all your attention when they’re speaking.

Ladies like guys who listen without being judgy, and when you share your thoughts precisely in what they’re saying, it builds this invisible connection between you and them and puts you at the top of their chart. So, work on that active listening skill, and you’ll be catching eyes in no time. [Read – 18 Traits That’d Transform You Into the Perfect Boyfriend Every Girl Wants]

2. Be kind

Women, as all humans should be, are naturally drawn to people who are kind hearted. Whenever you’re around them, you should offer a hand when they ask for it and, even when they refuse to ask for help because maybe they’re shy, you should extend a hand with sincerity or even just jump in and help out, but only after you gauge their mood first.

For instance, if a lady is drowning in work or maybe she’s struggling to move an object, step up and be the hero. Spread that kindness vibe, and you’ll see how it melts hearts. [Read – 12 Step-by-Step Ways to Get Your Crush to Notice You]

3. Have a purpose in life

Having a clear purpose in life is a major draw in for women – they go weak in the knees for guys who’ve got their eyes set on a goal. You should ditch the slacker vibes and show them that you take your life seriously. 

Also, you should avoid hanging out with folks who aren’t pushing you to be a better person – When a lady sees that, it’s a huge turn off for them, as they don’t like to associate with guys that seem to not have a plan for their life. When you’re around a lady, let her see that you’re a dude with a purpose by staying focused on your future.

4. Always wear a smile

Wearing a smile is like a secret weapon when trying to get up their chart – Women totally dig happiness. They’re naturally attracted to people who wear a smile constantly, because it radiates genuine joy and it also signals zero emotional baggage. 

Nowadays, we live in a world where almost every guy carries loads of negativity on their shoulders, and being that guy with a perpetual grin on his face, trust me, would really set you apart.

So, when you’re with a lady, flash that smile, keep it calm, and watch how she naturally draws towards your positive vibes. Smiling is like an unspoken language that says, “I’m genuinely happy,” and trust me, that’s the kind of energy that catches any women’s attention. [Read – 10 Tricks to Avoid Getting Friend Zoned by Your Crush]

5. Have a good (not great) sense of humor

Having a good, not an over-the-top, sense of humor can work wonders when trying to get girls to go weak over the knees for you. You don’t need to be a stand-up comedian wherever you are, just sprinkle in some soft, light-hearted jokes when you’re around people.

Complimenting a lady every now and then, like telling her how great she looks or how nice she smells, adds a sweet touch. Throw in a comment about her cute smile, and you’ll have her blushing. 

It’s not about being a comedy genius; it’s about creating a laid-back, positive atmosphere that makes people feel good around you. [Read – 14 Body Language Signals a Lady Gives Away When She Likes You]

6. Do away with the habit of looking at women

Do away with the habit of ogling at every woman that walks by – it’s a major turn-off. Constantly checking out other women constantly can give off the vibe that you’re only on to chasing anything in a skirt, and that’s not the image you want. 

I understand that as a guy, you may be tempted to look at every beautiful creation of God passing by, but when you’re with a lady, your eyes should stay fully focused on anything you’re doing. Avoid turning your head every single time to ogle at ladies and worse, you should definitely avoid making comments about them when they pass by.

7. Watch your mouth

As a guy, you should always keep a check on the words that comes out of your mouth because women can’t stand guys who talk without any filter. Avoid running your mouth recklessly, especially when it comes to negative things like insults and gossip.

Whenever you speak, let your words be a stream of positivity, filled with affirmations and praise. Women are naturally drawn to guys who speak with control and kindness. [Read – The Ultimate Guide on Getting a Lady to Like You Through Texting]

8. Don’t be loud

When you’re a guy that speaks and keeps your voice chill and avoids rushing your words, it signals that you’re an easy going guy and you’re not the type that easily gets thrown off by chaos. 

So, when you’re around a lady, drop your voice to a low and calm tune and you might even catch her glancing at you,  looking so intrigued by the cool, collected aura you possess. [Read also – 13 No Bullsh*t Ways To Stop Being Shy Around Your Crush And Finally Ask Her Out]

9. Be a man of your word

Women yearn for men who speak and keep to their words. Don’t be a guy who talks about a thing and completely does another entirely, it shows that you’re not trustworthy and that’s a massive turn off for women. 

Keeping your word not only builds trust but also shows your reliability, a quality that women find seriously attractive. So, if you want to stand out in a ladies eyes, be the guy who doesn’t just talk the talk but walks the talk, proving that your words hold weight and are worth believing.

10. Be super supportive

Being supportive is an absolute attribute for every guy to possess. Whether it’s cheering them on and helping them out towards their goals, you should also be supportive because being super supportive is a winner with women – they love guys who have their back.

Having said that, it’s crucial to draw a line. While being there for them is key, going all-in might make you seem like someone who’s weak and you might easily be taken advantage of. People are kind of weird that way. [Read – 9 Ways to Make Her Madly Jealous And Want You Like Crazy]

11. Up your dressing 

Stepping up your dressing game is a psychological trick you can really use in charming any woman. When your clothes fit perfectly, it sends a signal that you’re super organized. And to tell you the truth, that’s a quality women appreciate because it shows you take things seriously due to the way your dressing is super organized.

So, whether it’s a date or just a regular day, nailing the fit of your clothes not only boosts your style but also hints at a level of organization that adds to your overall appeal in a woman’s eyes.

12. Exude dominance

Exuding dominance is a must for any guy that wants to make women go weak in the knees for them, and one slick way to do that is to incorporate hand gestures whenever you speak. It’s like this non-verbal move that shows you as a leader, and ladies always fall for guys who come off all confident and assertive. 

So whenever you’re around a lady, try adding some gestures to your talk – it’s a slick way to make her swoon and see you as that confident leader she’s looking for.

13. Ease through your problems

Life, as it’s meant to be, always throws curveballs at us every once in a while, but what makes you stand out is when you don’t allow it to knock your ass down.

Women yearn for that, they want a man who can face challenges head-on without hitting the panic button and calling quit. It’s that resilience, that ability to ease through problems without flipping out, that makes you stand out.

14. Sometimes, gift them presents

This one is kind of a special trick I cooked up. Whenever you’re around a lady, consider getting her a pizza or any other gift, and watch how her eyes light up. I know it might sound simple, but trust me, it’s a move capable of melting the most iron smelted heart.

Women appreciate the effort and creativity behind a gift, and a pizza that shows up unexpectedly, that they didn’t pay for from their pocket? That’s the kind of surprise that creates a lasting impression and makes you stand out in her memory.

15. Just be a good person 

If you’re aiming to make a lady fall for you, the ultimate secret weapon is just being a good person. It’s like this all-in-one superpower that covers everything.

When you’re a good person, it shows in your actions, what you say, and how you carry yourself. It’s the kind of quality that clicks with people, especially the ladies.

So, when you’re aiming to make a particular lady go weak to her knees for you without you even putting in any effort to getting her, just being genuinely good-hearted is the magic ingredient that stands out from the rest.

Just a guy who understands

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