A guy trying to impress a girl on the first date
Dating Tips

13 Ways to Impress a Lady on a First Date

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Most first dates don’t go well, and, believe it or not, the stats say the fault is always on the guy. Sometimes, they unintentionally over impress a lady on a first date, or they end up putting little effort. But here’s the deal: If you’re a guy hoping to get a girlfriend, you need to hone the skills that will help you get that first date right, and build a connection that will potentially turn into something more.

The key is knowing how to act – be genuine, leave a positive impression, and increase the chances of things moving forward. 

I get it, first dates can be super stressful, especially if you’re new to it. I’ve been there myself; I messed up my first date real bad, and trust me, it’s an experience I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. [Read – The Ultimate Guide on Getting A Lady to be Your Girlfriend]

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How to make her go weak to her knees on a first date

In this section, I’ll show you the blueprint most guys follow that impresses every lady on the first date. And in the end, I’m going to guide you on choosing the best outfit for your first date, so make sure to check it out. [Read – The Ultimate Guide on Getting a Lady to Like You Through Texting]

1. Don’t be late

As they say, “First impressions stick around.” On a first date, it’s a good move to be there before her. And even if she arrives first, avoid the slip-up of keeping a lady waiting for you. 

Etiquette demands that you should try to be there at least 20 minutes earlier. Being early tells her that you’re a guy who’s committed and values being on time.

2. Get her a nice gift

When it comes to gifts, think about the little things that show you’ve put thought into it, setting a positive tone for your date. You don’t have to go overboard; a small, considerate gesture can leave a lasting impression. 

Gifts act as great icebreakers, making the initial moments less awkward and the atmosphere more relaxed. Consider classics like flowers, a small plant, or a box of artisanal chocolates to express warmth. 

Keep it simple, thoughtful, and in tune with what they like – that’s the key.

3. Draw her chair for her

When she shows up for the date, don’t just sit there staring – a gentlemanly move, like standing up and pulling out her chair, is a must. It sets a chivalrous tone, leaving a positive impression.

This simple act goes beyond being polite; it eases any initial awkwardness, making the vibe cozy for the entire date. And one thing I’ve found out over the years is that this act helps in asserting dominance as a man, and tells her that she’s safe and cared for. [Read – 15 Traits to Adopt That Will Make Any Lady Weak to Her Knees]

4. Tell her how stunning she looks

Not many guys do this, but if you’re aiming to wow a lady on your first date, once she’s settled in and comfy, just go ahead and tell her how amazing she looks in that dress and how her hair compliments everything perfectly. 

The moment you say that, you’ll probably see her blush, and trust me, that’s a clear sign your effort to impress is paying off. Women really appreciate it when a guy notices and says how beautiful they look; it’s just basic human psychology – we all like a little compliment now and then.

5. Recommend a dish to her

When you’re at the restaurant and it’s time to order, it’s a nice idea for you to suggest a dish for her. It’s a neat way to show you’ve taken the time to understand her likes, especially if you’ve chatted about food before the date. 

Recommending a dish isn’t just about knowing the menu; it’s a sign you genuinely care about making her dining experience enjoyable. This move not only shows you’re confident in picking from the menu but also opens up a chance to talk about food preferences and find shared tastes between both of you.

6. Start the conversation

Now, getting the conversation going on the first date is on you and whether it’s interesting or not is in your hands. Once she’s settled and maybe ordered, don’t just sit there staring at her and waiting for her to say something. Trust me, I’ve been there.

Starting a chat on a first date is honestly not that hard; you don’t need to overthink it. You can kick things off by talking about the gift you gave her or the dish you recommended. It’s a simple way to break the ice and keep things flowing smoothly.

7. Don’t flex your wealth

One common mistake many guys make during a date is trying to impress them by flaunting their wealth. I get it; the temptation is there, especially if you’ve got the means. But in that moment, it’s crucial to dial it back and keep things humble. 

You don’t want to attract someone just interested in your wallet. Some women might even find it offensive, and it could be a turn-off, making them hesitant to take things further. 

It’s important to show genuine character rather than relying on your financial status, especially when the girl can take care of herself. [Read – 18 Traits That’d Transform You Into the Perfect Boyfriend Every Woman Wants]

8. Keep your phone on airplane mode

It’s not cool when you’re on a date, and your phone keeps buzzing with notifications. Constant interruptions from messages, calls, or app alerts can really mess up the flow of conversation, especially when you’re both getting into the hang of enjoying each other’s company. 

It’s super distracting and kind of rude, making her feel like you’re not fully there. This can give off the vibe that your attention is split, taking away from the quality time you’re spending together. 

So, a tip from me would be to keep your phone on silent or airplane mode during the date to avoid any unnecessary distractions.

9. Wear a killer smile throughout

On a first date, avoid looking all gloomy, like you’ve been carrying the weight of the world. Remember, it’s not the time to spill out your problems; you’re here to make a lady fall for you. So, keep a killer smile on during your date. 

It’s not just about being positive and fun – it sets a vibe that makes things comfortable and enjoyable. Your smile makes her feel relaxed, building a connection through shared moments of happiness. [Read – 14 Tips to Adopt that’d Make You Totally Irresistible to any Woman]

10. Look deep into her eyes

When you’re out on a date with a lady, don’t shy away from looking her in the eyes when you’re chatting. Be the guy who can hold eye contact. Take it up a notch and really look deep into her eyes; it’s not just about being romantic – it deepens the emotional link between you two. 

That eye contact silently says so much, expressing romantic interest and attraction in a powerful way. 

Just a heads up, though – don’t go overboard; balance is key. When you keep it real and sincere, that eye contact adds an extra layer to the romantic vibe, making your connection more authentic and unforgettable.

11. Don’t talk about your Exes

Many guys mess up by bringing up their exes on a first date with a woman, and trust me, it’s a terrible move. I’m not saying you should pretend you’ve never dated anyone before, but seriously, don’t spill all the details about your past relationships during the date. 

Act like she’s the first lady you’ve ever taken out, even if that’s far from the truth, lol! 

Also, don’t casually mention you’ve brought other women to the same restaurant or cafe for a date while you’re talking to her – that’s just a recipe for disaster in building any potential relationship.

12. Don’t pick your nose

Picking your nose during a date is not just off-putting; it’s downright gross. A lot of guys might not realize it, but seriously, steer clear of doing that to avoid making her uncomfortable. Women absolutely can’t stand it when a guy picks his nose right in front of them. 

Hygiene is a big deal for ladies when looking for a potential partner, and picking your nose signals a lack of proper hygiene. That’s a deal-breaker if you’re hoping to have any chance with her.

13. Don’t smoke or drink alcohol

When you’re out on a date with a lady, steer clear of smoking or hitting the bottle. I get it; you might think a drink will help ease those nerves, but trust me, it’s not the way to go. Aside from the fact that the smell of alcohol isn’t exactly a favorite for women, downing too much can lead to saying or doing things you might regret. 

Alcohol messes with your judgment and behavior, and you definitely want to keep things in check on a date. So, save the drinks for another time and focus on making a genuine connection without any added interference.

So, do away with those intoxicants and focus on making a genuine connection without any added interference.

How you should look during your first date

1. Picking the right outfit


Go for a shirt that feels comfortable and looks good. A nicely fitted button-down in a solid color or a low-key pattern works well. If you’re not sure, a classic white shirt is a safe bet. Just pick something that suits the vibe of your date – simple and stylish.


Hoodies are cool for a relaxed setting. If you’re meeting for a chill coffee or something during the day, throw on a clean, well-fitted hoodie. Match it up with some good jeans or chinos to keep things neat.


Choosing a jacket depends on where and when you’re meeting. A sharp blazer or a casual bomber can step up your game. Leather jackets are awesome if you want a bit of edge. Check the weather and the vibe of your date before you decide.

Wrist watches

A watch is a low-key way to add some style. Choose one that fits your outfit and the occasion. A classy leather or metal-strapped watch can look sharp, while a more casual or sporty one is good for laid-back settings.


Comfort is key with trousers. Jeans are a safe bet for a casual date, but if you want to step it up a bit, go for well-fitted chinos or khakis. Tailored trousers can bring in a touch of sophistication. Whatever you pick, make sure it complements your overall look and lets you move around easily.


If you’re a hat person, rock it! Whether it’s a classic cap, a laid-back beanie, or a stylish fedora, choose one that matches your style and the vibe of your date. Just remember, it’s an accessory, not the main event. Keep it cool and comfortable.


Keep it simple with rings – one or two max. Find ones that match your style without being too flashy. Maybe a plain band or something with a bit of detail – just enough to add some flair without going overboard.

Neck chain

For neck chains, less is usually better. Pick something that complements your outfit without stealing the show. It could be a meaningful pendant or a simple design that adds a bit of character without being too in-your-face.

2. Wear nice shoes

Shoes matter, trust me. Go for something nice but comfy. It could be clean sneakers, casual loafers, or stylish boots – whatever fits the vibe of your date. Just make sure they’re not pinching your toes; comfort is key.

3. Wear cologne

Throwing on a bit of cologne is like the finishing touch to your style. Pick a scent that suits you – nothing too overpowering. Just a subtle whiff that makes her go, “Hmm, he smells good.” A little goes a long way, so keep it light and fresh.

4. Groom your hair

Your hair says a lot about you, so give it a bit of love. Style it in a way that makes you feel good. Whether it’s a neat trim or your signature messy look, own it. A little bit of grooming can go a long way in making you feel confident and make her fall for you on a first date.


Having a successful first date can be quite a challenge, but remember, the effort you put in speaks volumes. As a guy, it’s about doing your part well – from choosing the right outfit to maintaining engaging conversation. 

Despite the nerves and uncertainties during the first date, you should take pride in knowing you’ve given it your best shot. If she’s someone seeking a genuine connection, she’d definitely appreciate the sincerity you bring to the table. 

Ultimately, the final decision rests with her, but take comfort in the fact that you’ve presented your authentic self. Regardless of the outcome, consider it a step toward personal growth and gaining valuable experience in the unpredictable world of dating.

Just a guy who understands

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