a very breautiful lady
Attracting Women

11 Psychological Tricks To Get Any Lady To Fall In Love With You

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We’ve all seen someone we like and want to be with. She might not even know you exist or maybe she might know you, but you guys aren’t familiar with each other or worse, she might be dating someone. It happens, to some guys more frequently than others.

To get a lady to fall in love with you, you need to possess some (important) set of skills which unfortunately, most guys lack nowadays.

For example, you might have crush on a lady and you’d probably be thinking the best way to go is to become friends with her, then after sometime you’d naively open up to her and tell her you like her, that might work but what mostly happens (or atleast to me) is that, it’s either she starts ignoring you, blocking you out totally OR she tells you she never did really see you as anything more than a friend.

Although this simple strategy might work, but sometimes that’s not the case. You might even end up getting embarrassed by the lady after fessing your feelings to her (That’s if she’s the crazy type).

There’s literally a process (or as i like to call it “a blueprint”) you have to go through while pursuing a lady in order to get her to fall in love with you. You have to go one step at a time.

It’s definitely true you have to be friends with her in the first place in order to be able to score her, but you can’t just jump from literally the first step and skip the rest and think you’d be successful! Falling in love is a natural phenomenon that happens between two people, there’s no way forcing it. [Read – The Ultimate Guide on Getting Any Lady to be Your Girlfriend]

So in this article, I’m going to give you the 11 best psychological tricks that’ll make any lady you like fall in love with you.

A very beautiful lady that is smiling

1. Become Her Friend

If you’re hoping to start any relationship with a lady, the very first step is becoming friends. You have to get close to her before you would be able to score her as your girlfriend.[Read – How to Approach Your Crush as a Guy]

Making friends is pretty easy. You can walk up to her and ask for a favor, it might be anything e.g like a pen, OR out of nowhere give her a simple compliment (Ladies love that). Just find a way to get close to her then you can start implementing the rest of the strategies.

2. Understand and Accept Her For Who She Is

You have to understand that no one is perfect and everybody behaves differently. She might have have a behavior that you might find annoying but if you truly like her, you have to accept her imperfections and embrace her flaws.

You don’t want to be that guy that always preach to her about a certain behavior of hers, if she sees that she can’t be herself around you, she won’t be comfortable being with you and that is going to hamper any kind of success you might have in future.

And also, you shouldn’t try to force her to change any bad behavior she might have but you could try guiding her to be better.

3. Don’t Be Clingy

If you want a lady o fall in love with you, you have to respect her boundaries and avoid being too clingy.

Give her some space, spend time by yourself doing things you like and stop calling or texting every time you see an opportunity to do so, give her a chance to miss you. Focus on establishing your own sense of identity and practice solitude. [Read – 9 Ways To Make Her Madly Jealous And Want You Like Crazy]

4. Be Passionate

“Being passionate means having a taste for life, and everything that makes you feel like you’re living it to the fullest”. Passion is a huge turn-on for women, ladies love guys who are passionate about what they do.

To get sensible lady to fall for you, you have to have a sense of purpose in life, you need to have what drives you everyday because once she sees how dedicated you are to achieving something in life, it shows her that you’re capable and worthy of being in a relationship with.

5. Compliment Her

To get a lady to like you, you have to get inside her head a little. Compliment her on something that is not about her looks, why? Because anyone can tell a lady she is pretty, it isn’t that hard. She might even hear it all the time and wonder if anyone sees her for more than just her looks, you need to be different, be creative, you need to really get inside her head.

A genuine compliment like “I admire your work ethic” or “I feel comfortable anytime you’re around” would be perfect. You can sometimes compliment her on her looks but that shouldn’t be what you always compliment her on. You have to be different from everyone else and she’s going to see you special. [Read – 9 Hacks For a Successful Long Distance Relationship With Your Girlfriend]

6. Don’t Tell Her You Like Her Right Away

When you tell a lady you want to be in a relationship too soon, even if she possibly likes you back, she’s prolly going to turn you down because she’s gonna feel like she barely knows you, or, even if she does know you, it’s gonna feel like it’s too soon.

Ladies are a very complex individuals who have their own unique preferences, comfort levels, and reasons for making romantic decisions which can make them very hard to read. That’s why you have to have impeccable time when asking her out.

7. Look For Excuses To Touch Her Often

You should take every opportunity you get to touch her subtly because touching a lady is part of the grand plan of getting into her head and making her like you. You could give a subtle pinch on her cheek, hold her hand when walking or place your hand on her waist when taking a photograph together.

However! You have to read her body language to make sure she’d be comfortable with it and you should also be very careful NOT to make it sexual.

8. Ask Her To Do Things For You

This is a very powerful way to make any lady to fall for you which most guys aren’t familiar with. Give her a task, she does it, give her another, she does it again. It’s that simple. The more she does things to you, the more she gets familiar with you, and the more she’s gonna feel comfortable around you.

This psychological trick is called THE BENJAMIN FRANKLIN EFFECT. Benjamin Franklin used this technique on his rivals and political opponents to get them to like him more.

9. Make Her Feel Special

If you’re trying to make a lady fall for you, you have to treat her differently than the way you treat other ladies. You have to make her feel special and they’re like a 101 ways to make a lady feel special. [Read – 15 Traits to Adopt That Will Make Any Lady go Weak to Her Knees]

For instance, you can surprise her by sending bouquet of roses and boxes of chocolates to her house. hold her hand while walking together, give her your undivided attention while she talks, and let her know she’s the last person on your mind at night and the first in the morning by sending her sweet messages. The possibilities are endless……

Make her feel special and she’ll eventually end up being yours.

10. Tell Her Some of Your Secrets

Telling a lady you’re interested in some of your secrets has proven to be an effective way in getting a lady to fall for you because when you tell her some of your secrets, she’s gonna feel obliged to tell you some of hers and it’s going to create this special bond only you two share.

But don’t go around telling your deepest secrets to a lady, only tell her secrets you’d be okay with if others where to find out just incase she shares it with external parties e.g her friends. Ladies often find it challenging to keep things away from their friends but they love it when you tell them personal stuffs, so be careful about what you share.

11. Be a Good Listener

Everyone likes being heard. It can be really frustrating and annoying when you’re in a conversation with someone and the person is engrossed in their phone or completely lost in thought staring out the window.

When talking to her, face her and maintain eye contact, you don’t have to behave like a robot and stare fixedly at her face, if you do that you’re only going to come out weird. Occasionally look away and act naturally, the key is to stay attentive without making it awkward.

Finally, getting a lady to like you is a hell lot of work. But by following these strategies effectively, i strongly believe you’d be able to get that lady you desperately want, well if it’s meant to be. Don’t forget to take things slow and don’t rush things. I’m looking forward to hearing your testimonies in the comment section below after applying these strategies. Cheers!

Just a guy who understands

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