A sad guy thats jealous of his crush
Self Improvement

10 Things to do When You’re Jealous of Your Crush as a Guy

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It’s tough when you see your crush with someone else. And man, nothing stings like pouring your heart out to a woman and you end up getting turned down. It’s like a punch in the gut. 

It could be that you haven’t even asked her out yet, but just seeing her with someone else drives you really crazy. You’d even start showing signs of frustration because you can’t hold it in anymore. 

It’s all part of being human, but as guys, we have to learn to handle these situations without making fools of ourselves, both in front of others and to ourselves. Knowing how to deal with this jealousy is key, man.

That’s why in this article, I’m gonna lay out 10 things you can do when you’re feeling jealous of your crush. Trust me, these tips will help you keep your cool and navigate those tricky emotions like a champ. [Read – 19 Ways Girls Behaves When You Have a Crush on Them]

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What to do if your crush makes you feel insecure

1. Identity the root cause

When you find yourself getting jealous of your crush, the first step is for you to identify the root cause of why it’s happening. 

Take yourself to a quiet corner where you can think clearly and ask yourself: What situations do you often put yourself in, or what behaviors do you typically engage in that trigger your jealousy?

Answering these questions is crucial in moving forward and discovering genuine happiness without the burden of your jealousy weighing you down.

2. Reflect on yourself

A lot of guys start assuming their crush feels a certain way about them based on one tiny action. For example, is she smiles at them, they become convinced she’s head over heels.

Now, I’m not saying you’re in that boat, but if you ever find yourself there, it’s time for a reality check. 

Take a moment to think about whether your hopes for a relationship with your crush match up with what’s really going on. 

Trust me, you don’t want to get lost in a fantasy that’s never going to happen, it never ends well 

3. Manage your feelings 

Feeling jealous can really mess with your head. And to get a handle on it, you gotta learn to deal with your emotions. It’s all about keeping those impulses in check, and that’s something us guys have to master.

Now, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution here. You have to find what works for you. Maybe try some mindfulness exercises or even give journaling a shot (I know, it sounds kinda girly, but seriously, it helps). 

Deep breathing or relaxing your muscles can also help calm your nerves and stop you from acting on impulse.

And, if you feel like talking to your crush about it, go for it, but do it smart. Don’t go blaming her for how you feel. Express yourself calmly and thoughtfully. 

Who knows, something good might come out of it. But if it doesn’t, remember, this is about you taking charge of your own feelings. I’ve seen too many guys lose their heads over one girl, and honestly, it’s just not worth it. [Read – 12 Step-by-Step Ways to Get Your Crush to Notice You]

4. Set healthy boundaries

You’re never gonna get past this if you keep putting yourself in situations that make you feel like crap. To shake off that jealousy for your crush, you gotta set some boundaries. 

One big mistake guys make is stalking their crush, either/both online or in person. If that’s you, ease up on the snooping, whether it’s on social media or frequently showing up where she hangs out.

If she doesn’t even know you’re into her, she doesn’t need to know of those newly set lines. Just quietly set those boundaries for yourself. 

Now, if she does know how you feel, it’s cool to talk about it. Let her know what stuff she’s doing that’s bugging you. A reasonable woman will get it and chill out with the behaviors that bug you.

Remember, your mental health comes first. Don’t let a crush mess with your head too much.

5. Communicate to her

Although it’s kinda up to you, but letting your crush know how you feel, even if it’s jealousy, can be a good move. But you gotta do it right. 

Start by picking a chill time and place—somewhere neutral where you both feel relaxed.

When you chat, really listen to what she’s saying. Show her you’re interested and respect her side of things. Don’t brush off her thoughts.

But keep it real, focus on how you’re feeling and why. Don’t go all accusatory; instead, explain how her actions affect you. Remember, it’s your feelings that count most here. [Read – How to Approach Your Crush as a Guy]

6. Speak to people

Reaching out for support when you’re feeling jealous of your crush isn’t a bad move, despite what some folks might say. Talking to people who genuinely care about you and won’t judge can make a big difference. 

It’s all about feeling acknowledged and, yeah, a bit vulnerable—just being human. Because let’s face it, anyone can end up in this situation.

But hey, be smart about who you open up to. Avoid those judgmental types or folks who brush off your feelings. You need someone who’ll really listen.

If you’re up for it, therapy’s an option, if you can afford it. Or check out online support groups on places like Reddit or Facebook—it’s cheaper and can be just as helpful. 

With a therapist, you get professional guidance on dealing with jealousy and building healthier relationships. With online groups, you connect with others going through the same stuff, sharing experiences and advice. 

It’s great, especially if you’re not sure about the people in your circle. You can join anonymously and get some real, unbiased feedback on your situation—that is if you’re willing to share.

7. Handle the rejection well

No one—and I mean no one—should have the power to wipe that smile off your face. 

Rejection? Yeah, it’s part of life, man. But don’t tie your happiness solely to whether your crush likes you back. Trust me, it’s a recipe for heartache.

Remember to cut yourself some slack during the tough times. Don’t beat yourself up over it. And hey, don’t let this whole ordeal drag you down. 

Use it to level up instead. Figure out where things went south, maybe see if there’s anything you could’ve done differently, and work on that. Improve your game, you know?

8. Celebrate her success

Look, I totally get it. It’s tough, no doubt. But you shouldn’t let your jealousy over your crush turn into anger. 

Sure, she might have turned you down, but hating on her for it? Nah, that’s not cool. Maybe she’s happy with someone else, or she’s just killing it in life. See her successes as good things for her, not as threats to your own worth.

Having that mindset, not getting bitter about it, that’s where the real pride kicks in. And you know what? Eventually, that jealousy starts to fade away. 

Remember, it’s her loss for not getting to know a great guy like you, not the other way around. [Read – How To Stay Friends With a Lady And Avoid Falling In Love With Her]

9. Focus on yourself

Sometimes, you have to clear your head and just focus on yourself. If being around her messes with your emotions, it’s okay to take a step back. You’ve got your own dreams and ambitions, right? Well, dive into those. 

Give it your all. Trust me, when you start putting yourself first, those feelings will start to fade away. It’s just a matter of time.

10. Remember, There are Plenty of Fish

This feeling of jealousy for your crush shouldn’t make you crawl into your shell like a snail. It’s a sign to widen your horizons. 

There are tons of fish in the sea, you know? Don’t let one girl mess up the awesome relationship you could have with someone great down the road.

Step out of your comfort zone. Meet new people who vibe with you. Keep your heart open, always. Don’t shut yourself off because of some past stuff or fear of rejection. That’s not how us Classylads roll. [Read – 14 Tips to Adopt that’d Make You Totally Irresistible to any Woman]

FAQS related to things to do when you’re jealous of your crush as a guy

Q: Is it normal for guys to get jealous of their crushes? 

Yes, experiencing jealousy as a guy towards your crush is quite common. It often stems from insecurity, possessiveness, or fear of rejection. Recognizing these feelings as normal can help you manage them constructively.

Q: What are the different types of jealousy guys experience? 

Guys can experience jealousy in various ways, including:

Possessive jealousy: Fear of losing control over your crush or their affection.

Competitive jealousy: Feeling threatened by other potential partners.

Insecurity-based jealousy: Doubting your self-worth compared to others attracted to your crush.

Performance anxiety: Worrying you won’t measure up to their expectations.

Q: What if talking to my crush about my jealousy makes things worse?

It’s wise to proceed cautiously. Before talking, ensure you’ve processed your feelings and can communicate openly and constructively. Focus on your emotions and avoid accusations. If you’re unsure, prioritize your well-being and seek external support instead.

Q: What if I never get over my feelings for my crush? 

Allow yourself time to heal and move on. Accept that not all crushes reciprocate our feelings. Explore new experiences and interests to broaden your horizons. If the feelings persist and feel overwhelming, consider professional help.

Q: Is it okay to date someone else while I have a crush on someone else?

Honesty and respect are key here. Ensure you’re emotionally available before pursuing someone else. Communicate openly with both parties involved about your feelings and intentions. Make sure to choose what feels authentic and responsible.

Just a guy who understands

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